About us
Since 1992, WaiTech Limited has proudly served the community as one of Aotearoa’s long-standing private training establishments. With over three decades of experience, we continue our commitment to deliver high-quality, culturally responsive learning for all. NZQA-registered since 1999, WaiTech maintains a “Confident” rating in both Educational Performance and Self-Assessment securing its current Category 2 status.

New Zealand Diploma In Whānau Ora (Level 5)

New Zealand Diploma In Māori Public Health (Level 6)

Micro-Credential – Whanaungatanga (Level 5)
Duration: 8 Weeks | Credits: 24

Micro-Credential – Kaitiakitanga (Level 6)
Duration: 11 Weeks | Credits 32
New Zealand Diploma in Whānau Ora (Level 5)
Duration: 44 Weeks
Credits: 120
NZQA Unit Standards: 16
Entry requirements: NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident
Fees: $$5,995.00
This fit-for-purpose qualification is aligned to the Mataora model of hauora practice. It is offered to kaimahi working on the frontline within the Whānau Ora collective offering skills in mātauranga Māori wellbeing in a whānau ora context.
Programme Outcomes:
The outcome from this programme is to provide recognition in the practical application of skills and knowledge required to support whānau including:
communication and relationship strategies to advance whanaungatanga the delivery of whānau-centred services to establish the quality and value of services as an expression of te pono me te tika and pukengatanga implement and evaluate a whānau ora plan to advance the wellbeing of whānau as an expression of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga critically reflect on self and performance of others as an expression of whakamana and rangatiratanga
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
If you feel you have met competency other that NZQA unit standards, please speak with WaiTech’s Registrar to see if you meet eligibility criteria.
Micro-Credential – Whanaungatanga
Duration: 8 Weeks
NZQA Unit Standards:
US16263 – Apply te tīmatanga o te ao, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga in Iwi/Māori social services
US22963 – Explain the importance of the use of te reo Māori and use te reo Māori in Iwi/Māori social services
US16261 – Research a whakapapa on behalf of another person or whānau in an Iwi/Māori social services setting
Entry Requirements: Check with Administration
Fees: $500 (2025)
This micro-credential in Whanaungatanga aims to equip learners with the foundational knowledge and practical skills to understand and apply the principles of reo (language), tikanga (customs), and kawa (ceremonial practices) in the context of communication. Learners will explore how these cultural elements contribute to the creation, nurturing, and sustaining of quality relationships within both personal and professional interactions.
Programme Outcome:
On the successful completion of this micro-credential in Whanaungatanga, you will be able to:
- outline and explain events leading up to and characters involved in te tīmatanga o te ao; explain the relevance of te tīmatanga o te ao, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga to Iwi/Māori social service purposes; apply te tīmatanga o te ao, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga in an informal process for Iwi/Māori social services purposes; and apply tīmatanga o te ao, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga in a formal process for Iwi/Māori social service purposes.
- explain the importance of the use of te reo Māori in working with the whānau, hapū, and iwi communities that Iwi/Māori social service workers serve; and use te reo Māori in an Iwi/Māori social service setting.
- Gather information on the whakapapa of another person or whānau in an Iwi/Māori social services setting, and organise and record information on the whakapapa of another person or whānau in an Iwi/Māori social service setting.
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
New Zealand Diploma In Māori Public Health (Level 6)
Duration: 44 Weeks
Credits: 120
NZQA Unit Standards: 17
Entry Requirements: NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident
Fees: $5,995
This fit-for-purpose qualification is intended for those who have knowledge and understanding of Mātauranga Māori and extensive experience working within Māori communities.
Programme Outcomes:
Graduates of this qualification will be able to design and evaluate Māori Public Health initiatives incorporating social, economic, cultural and environmental contexts that contribute to the reduction of Māori health inequities including:
- Support community action research to identify specific community health priorities and use the results to promote positive health outcomes for Māori
- Review research findings with community to design a sustainable Māori Public Health plan to improve the participation, confidence, and optimal health and wellbeing of Māori
- Evaluate feedback and review the Māori Public Health plan to measure its effectiveness
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
If you feel you have met competency other that NZQA unit standards, please speak with WaiTech’s Registrar to see if you meet eligibility criteria.
Micro-Credential – Kaitiakitanga
Duration: 11 Weeks
NZQA Unit Standards:
US7957 – Co-ordinate family meetings or whānau hui
US16265 – Contribute to disputes resolution processes for Iwi/Māori social service purposes
US18562 – Identify, explain, and provide intervention strategies for at-risk situations for Māori
US8000 – Act as an advocate in social service work
US7985 – Establish protection or safety plans in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence
Entry Requirements: Check with Administration
Fees: $650 (2025)
This micro-credential in Kaitiakitanga aims to equip learners with knowledge and competencies in planning, facilitating, implementing and evaluating various social services initiatives and interventions designed to promote the welfare and wellbeing of whānau including the important role cultural competence plays in these situations.
Programme Outcome:
On the successful completion of this micro-credential in Kaitiakitanga, you will be able to:
- manage referrals for a family meeting or whānau hui; co-ordinate planning of a family meeting or whānau hui; and co-ordinate the welcome and hospitality for a family meeting or whānau hui.
- assess a situation for its suitability for disputes resolution for Iwi/Māori social service purposes; make arrangements to convene a disputes resolution process; contribute to the opening of a disputes resolution hui; contribute to the hui process for disputes resolution; and contribute to the closure of a disputes resolution hui.
- Identify triggers that may potentially lead to at-risk situations for Māori; explain at-risk behaviours and their impact on the hauora of Māori; and present a case study that includes triggers, behaviours and intervention strategies
- analyse the concern, issue, or need requiring advocacy in social service work; plan a course of action for advocacy in social service work; implement the course of action for advocacy in social service work; and evaluate and amend the course of action for advocacy in social service work.
- in social service work with abuse, neglect, or violence: develop a plan for protection or safety; facilitate implementation of a plan for protection or safety; and close a plan for protection or safety.
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
“Anybody wanting to be inspired and who wants to learn new things, those who may want to strengthen their professional practice should absolutely do the Whānau Ora Diploma”
– Michelle Naepi,
2022 Graduate Whānau Ora Diploma
WaiTech Kaimahi

Pania Te Aonui

Jessica Derrick
Administration Manager

Dr. Donna Morrison

Rosina Taniwha

Josephine Thomas
Administration Support