About us
WaiTech has been offering education to the community since 1992, making us one of the longest serving private training establishments (PTE) in West Auckland. WaiTech became NZQA registered and accredited in 1999 and currently holds a category 2 status.
WaiTech proudly provides educational opportunities for kaimahi to get recognition and validation for their mahi, skills and experience for working alongside whānau in their communities across Te Ika-a-Māui.
New Zealand Diploma In Whānau Ora (Level 5)
New Zealand Diploma In Māori Public Health (Level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Whānau Ora (Level 5)
Duration: 44 Weeks
Credits: 120
NZQA Unit Standards: 16
Entry requirements: NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident
Fees: $$5,995.00
This fit-for-purpose qualification is aligned to the Mataora model of hauora practice. It is offered to kaimahi working on the frontline within the Whānau Ora collective offering skills in mātauranga Māori wellbeing in a whānau ora context.
Programme Outcomes:
The outcome from this programme is to provide recognition in the practical application of skills and knowledge required to support whānau including:
communication and relationship strategies to advance whanaungatanga the delivery of whānau-centred services to establish the quality and value of services as an expression of te pono me te tika and pukengatanga implement and evaluate a whānau ora plan to advance the wellbeing of whānau as an expression of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga critically reflect on self and performance of others as an expression of whakamana and rangatiratanga
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
If you feel you have met competency other that NZQA unit standards, please speak with WaiTech’s Registrar to see if you meet eligibility criteria.
New Zealand Diploma In Māori Public Health (Level 6)
Duration: 44 Weeks
Credits: 120
NZQA Unit Standards: 17
Entry Requirements: NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident
Fees: $5,995
This fit-for-purpose qualification is intended for those who have knowledge and understanding of Mātauranga Māori and extensive experience working within Māori communities.
Programme Outcomes:
Graduates of this qualification will be able to design and evaluate Māori Public Health initiatives incorporating social, economic, cultural and environmental contexts that contribute to the reduction of Māori health inequities including:
- Support community action research to identify specific community health priorities and use the results to promote positive health outcomes for Māori
- Review research findings with community to design a sustainable Māori Public Health plan to improve the participation, confidence, and optimal health and wellbeing of Māori
- Evaluate feedback and review the Māori Public Health plan to measure its effectiveness
Credit Transfer:
We will assess your NZQA prior achievements to see if you are eligible for a credit transfer.
If you feel you have met competency other that NZQA unit standards, please speak with WaiTech’s Registrar to see if you meet eligibility criteria.
“Anybody wanting to be inspired and who wants to learn new things, those who may want to strengthen their professional practice should absolutely do the Whānau Ora Diploma”
– Michelle Naepi,
2022 Graduate Whānau Ora Diploma
WaiTech Kaimahi
Pania Te Aonui
Molly Lilo
Dr. Donna Morrison
Rosina Taniwha
Nadia Parker